Aguja, Aguja
Also known as Bugleweed, Ground pine or Carpet bugle. Evergreen ground cover that does very well in partial shade. Nice lavender to bluish flowers adorn the plant in the spring. Fast growing, spreads quickly and can be invasive if not controlled.
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Alfalfa, Medicago sativa
Alfalfa is not a plant most people plant in their gardens, but it's lavender-blue flowers are highly attractive to bees and butterflies. It is a perennial that does very well in the desert Southwest. If you want to attract bees and butterflies, get some Alfalfa seeds and plant them yourself! |
Artemisia, Artemisia
Great background plant or mixed in with other flowers in a color-bowl arrangement. Soft, intricate, silver foliage that complements other plants. Does well in the desert Southwest and prefers full sun. Fantastic when planted with white or blue flowers.
Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia
Bright and cheery golden yellow or ornage flowers, from midsummer into fall. Full sun, heat and drought tolerant. Easy to grow. Attracts butterflies.
Blanket Flower, Gaillardia
Great plant for the full sun garden. Flowers all summer and into the fall. Deer and rabbit resistant and heat and drought tolerant. Good ground cover plant, self-seeds readily.
Cranesbill, Geranium
Hardy perennial geranium with small blue flowers. Needs full sun. Great in containers, flower borders and as a ground cover. Deer resistant. |
Damianita, Chrysactinia mexicana
Great as a ground cover, heat and drought tolerant perennial. Goldern yellow flowers cover the plant in the spring and fall. Foliage is fragrant. Needs full sun. A slow grower, but a very good plant for the desert Southwest landscape. |
Daylily, Hemerocallis
Grows well in full sun or partial shade. Flowers come in several shades and some are fragrant. Great as a border plant or in containers. Drought and heat tolerant.
Deadhead daily for a longer blooming time.
Dianthus, Dianthus
Also called mini carnation. Fragrant flowers in pink, red, white, rose or lavender, appear in spring. This plant does best in cool weather and full to partial sun. Good in containers and as cut flowers. Attracts butterflies. |
Dusty Miller, Senecio cineraria
Great background plant or mixed in with other flowers in a color-bowl arrangement. Soft, fuzzy foliage with clusters of small yellow flowers. Does well in the desert Southwest and prefers full sun. |
Echinacea, Echinacea
Also known as Purple Coneflower, easy to grow and attracts many birds and butterflies to the garden. Flowers are fragrant and make great cut flowers. Full sun, heat and drought tolerant. |
Gazania, Gazania
Very heat and drought tolerant plant, great choice for the desert Southwest garden. Multi-colored flowers last all summer long, deadhead to encourage more flowers. Self-seeds readily. Plants tend to form large clumps as they mature.
Geranium, Pelargonium
Great container plant or in flower beds. Many different flower colors available. Usually grown as an annual, but bring them indoors for the winter and they will last for several years. Needs full sun. Drought and heat tolerant.
Hosta, Hosta
Does best in partial shade to full shade. Many different foliage variations available and some have fragrant flowers. Watch out, deer and slugs love Hosta. Good ground cover for shady areas, like under trees. |
Hyssop, Agastache
Heat and drought tolerant plant with beautiful spikes of blue, purple, pink, rose, white or orange flowers, depending on the variety. Full to partial sun. Blooms mid-summer into fall. Very attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Great choice for the desert Southwest garden.
Ice plant, Delosperma
Very heat and drought tolerant plant, great for the desert Southwest landscape. Spreads quickly and is very hardy. Flowers vary in color, depending on the variety. Plant in dry areas with good drainage and full sun. |
Iris, Iris
Many different flower colors, depending on variety. Full to partial sun, heat and drought tolerant, as well as wet soil tolerant.
Easy to grow from rhisomes. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Great in borders.
Lantana, Lantana
Wonderful plant for the desert Southwest landscape and garden. Very hardy, heat and drought tolerant. Full sun. Grows fast and flowers all summer into the fall. Several different flower colors. Hummingbirds and butterflies love it. One of our best flowering plant choices! |
Lilly of the Nile, Agapanthus
Colorful, delicate globes of blue or white flowers adorn the evergreen plant in summer and fall. Does well in containers, allow to become root-bound to encourage flowering. Flowers best in full sun. Needs moist soil.
Plumbago, Plumbago
Blue flowers from mid-summer into fall. Full to partial sun, heat tolerant. Deadhead to encorage more flowers. Great for container gardening. Freezes to the ground level in some areas, but usually returns from the roots in spring. Attracts butterflies.
Rudbeckia, Black-eyed Susan, Rudbeckia
Very drought tolerant perennial, loves the full sun and flowers all summer long. Self-seeds very well. Great bright, colorful choice for the desert Southwest garden. |
Salvia, Salvia
Many different varities and flower colors available. Great flowering plant for the desert Southwest garden. Very heat, cold and drought tolerant. Most varieties bloom from early summer into fall. Attracts hummingbirds and butterfiies. Full to part sun. |
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Thistle, New Mexico Thistle, Cirsium neomexicanum
A native of Arizona that does very well in the desert Southwest. Perennial plant with beautiful pink flowers in late spring or summer, depending on rainfall. Very heat and drought tolerant wildflower. |
Verbina, Verbina
Fast growing, does extremely well in the hot, dry heat of the desert Southwest. Grows quickly and spreads well. Great in containers and hanging baskets. Comes in a variety of colors. Verbina and lantana are our most recomended flowering plants for the Southwest garden. |
Vinca, Vinca
Vinca or Periwinkle is a fast growing vine, likes the shade but tolerates the sun. Keep well watered in full sun. Blue, white, purple or lavender flowers, depending on the variety, from mid-spring to fall. Easy to grow. |
Yarrow, Achillea
Great flowering plant for the desert Southwest garden. Heat and drought tolerant. Needs full sun and good drainage. Flowers come in red, yellow, gold, pink or white and blooms in the spring, summer and fall, depending on the variety. Attracts butterflies. Good in cut flower arrangements. |