
Juniper |
Juniper |
There are many varieties of Juniper, from low ground cover rug Junipers to large towering "Pfitzers" and Juniper trees.
Junipers do very well in the desert Southwest, they are evergreen, heat and drought tolerant and take full sun. Low water requirements, once established.
Choose a Juniper based on the space you have for it. "Tam" Junipers are a popular juniper with a low mounding growth habit, where "Sea Green" Junipers are much taller with a vase-like shape and rug Junipers are great as spreading ground covers.
Junipers hold up well to constant pruning or shaping, as long as only the new growth is sheared.
Cutting back to the brown inside branches will leave an ugly plant that may not recover. New growth occurs on the ends of branches.
"Tularosa" or "Hollywood" Junipers are an interesting addition to the landscape, with their twisted branches.
Junipers don't have many problems, however spider mites can be an issue with stressed plants.
Water regularly to prevent problems.
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Juniper, low growing "rug" |
Juniper, vase shaped "Sea Green" |
Juniper, large "Pfitzer" |

Juniper, "Tularosa" or "Hollywood" |
Juniper, shaped |