Reel and Rotary Mowers
There are two major types of lawn mowers,"reel" and "rotary".
The reel mower is best for bermuda and other grasses, that spread by runners. Reel mowers have a wheel with several blades, kinda like a ferris wheel. Golf courses use reel mowers to get that flat, smooth appearance.
The rotary mower is best for fescue and other non-runner type grasses. Rotary mowers have one or more blades mounted under the deck and they rotate like a clock.
Mowing Basics
Always use a string trimmer around trees, shrubs and sprinkler heads before mowing. Do not girdle the tree, use low power.
First go around the outside edge of the lawn a couple of times, this gives you a turn around area, then start at one side and go up and back until finished.
Alternating your path from week to week will help prevent wheel trenches or undesirable patterns in the lawn.
Keep mower blades sharp for a better cut. Dull blades will shred the grass tips, giving the lawn a brown appearance.
A mower that won't start or dies in the middle of the job is very frustrating, but it can be avoided.
Before starting the mower in early spring, sharpen the blades, clean or replace the spark plug, clean the air filter, change the oil and replace the oil filter. Do not store a mower with gas in it, or if that cannot be avoided use gas stabilizer.
Regular maintenance will prolong the life of your mower and ultimately give you a better mowing experience. More on this subject, coming soon, so check back often.